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Highest grossing Korean movie in 2023 - “12.12: The day”

"12.12: The Day" remains one of South Korea's top-grossing films. It became known that this film, which was premiered on November 22, has been seen by more than 12 million viewers. Despite the fact that the premiere of the film took place at the end of the year, it was announced as the highest grossing film of 2023. So what made this movie so popular? What is this movie about?

“12.12: The day” filmi Janubiy Koreyaning eng kassabob filmlaridan biri bo’lib qolmoqda. 22-noyabr kuni premyerasi bo’lib o’tgan ushbu filmni shu kungacha 12milliondan ortiq tomoshabinlar borib ko’rganligi ma’lum bo’ldi. Filmning premyerasi yil oxirida bo’lganligiga qaramay 2023-yilning eng kassabob filmi deb e’lon qilindi. Xo’sh bu film bunchalar mashhur bo’lishiga nima sabab bo’ldi? Bu film o’zi nima haqida?

In the history of Korea, 1979 is one of the years of big historical events. At first, South Korea's third president (actually dictator) Park Chong Hee will be assassinated on October 26, ending his 18-year reign and dictatorship. After his death, just as the Korean people began to believe that the coming spring would bring them the democracy they had longed for and fought for, on December 12, 1979, the incident that led to the making of this film took place. That is, the one of the former presidents, the head of the national security service at that time, Chun Doo Gwang (Hwang Jung min) and the soldiers who followed him carried out a coup d'état. Lee Tae Shin (Jung Woo Sung), a stubborn commander of the capital's garrison, fights against Chun Do Gwang in order to prevent him from meddling in political affairs and staging a coup, realizing that Chun Doo Gwang's real goal is to rule. As the conflict between the two men escalates, the military leaders postpone their decisions, and the defense minister disappears. Due to this chaos, everyone's long-awaited Seoul Spring is headed in an unexpected direction.

Koreya tarixida 1979-yil katta tarixiy voqealar sodir bo’lgan yillardan biri hisoblanadi. Birinchisi, Janubiy Koreyaning uchinchi prezidenti (aslida diktator) Pak Chong Hi 26-oktabr kuni o’ldirib ketiladi va uning 18yillik hukmronlik va diktatorlik davri yakunlanadi. Uning o’limidan so’ng Koreya xalqi yillar davomida istagan va kurashib kelayotgan demokratiyaga kirib kelayotgan bahor ila erisha olishiga ishonch hosil qila boshlagan bir vaqtda 1979-yil 12-dekabr sanasida esa mana shu film suratga olinishiga sabab bo’lgan voqea sodir bo’ladi. Ya’ni Koreya Prezidentlaridan biri, o’sha vaqtda milliy xavfsizlik xizmati raisi  Chun Du Gvang (Xvan Jung-min) va unga ergashgan zobitlar davlat to'ntarishini amalga oshiradilar. Li Tae shin (Jung Woo-sung)- poytaxt garnizonining o'jar komandiri, Chun Du Gvangning asl maqsadi - hukmronlik ekanligini anglab uning siyosiy ishlarga aralashishiga hamda to’ntarish o’tkazishiga to'sqinlik qilish maqsadida Chun Du-gvanga qarshi kurashadi. Ikki kishi o‘rtasidagi ziddiyat kuchaygani sari harbiy rahbarlar o‘z qarorlarini keyinga suradilar, mudofaa vaziri esa g‘oyib bo‘ladi. Bu tartibsizlik tufayli hamma orzu qilgan Seul bahori kutilmagan tomonga qarab yo’l oladi.


The film is based on real events, the names of the heroes of the film have been slightly changed. If you are a foreigner or don't know about the history of Korea, it is recommended to study it first. Only then can you find out why Koreans feel so frustrated after watching this movie. Chun Doo Hwan, who was the leader of the coup and later became the president for 8 years, was the cause of one of the most painful events in the history of Korea, the 1980 Gwangju incident, which caused the death of thousands of innocent citizens and students. The saddest part is that he did not receive his punishment until his last days, did not admit his guilt, and did not apologize to the relatives of the innocent people who died.

Film real voqealarga asoslangan bo’lib, film qahramonlarining ismlari birozgina o’zgartirilgan xalos. Filmni tomosha qilishga borgan tomoshabin agar chet el fuqarosi bo’lsa yoki Koreya tarixidan xabari bo’lmasa avval uni o’rganib borishi tavsiya etiladi. Shundagina Koreyslar nima sababdan bu filmni tomosha qilib chiqgach shunchalik alamzada bo’lishlarini bilib olish mumkin. To’ntarish rahbari bo’lgan keyinchalik 8yil davomida prezidentlik qilgan Chun Du Hvan Koreya tarixining eng og’riqli voqealardan biri 1980-yil Gvangju voqeasi minglab aybsiz fuqarolar, talaba yoshlar o’limiga sabab bo’lgan mudxish holatning sababchidir. Eng achinarli tomoni esa u so’nggi kunlariga qadar o’z jazosini olmagani, aybini tan olmagani va halok bo’lgan begunoh insonlarning yaqinlaridan uzr so’ramaganidir.


As a viewer who has already seen the film, I recommend that you definitely go and see it. While watching the movie, you will be able to feel various emotions such as dramatic tension, regret, anger. You won't be bored for a second. You will get another piece of information about the history of Korea. I can say that the director who planned and directed the film and the actors who acted performed their duties perfectly.

Filmnni borib ko’rgan tomoshabin sifatida uni albatta borib ko’rishingizni tavsiya qilaman. Filmni tomosha qilish vaqtida sizni hayajon, afsus, jahl kabi xilma xil hislar tark etmaydi. Bir soniya ham zerikmaysiz. Koreya tarixi haqida yana bir ma’mumotga ega bo’lib olasiz. Filmni suratga olgan rejissor hamda rollarni ijro etgan aktyorlar o’z vazifalarini a’lo darajada bajarganlar deb ayta olaman.



Author:Erkinboeva Gulkhayo (굴리)

Translator (Uzbek): Erkinboeva Gulkhayo (굴리)



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