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2023 KOCIS Korean Culture Ambassador Appointment Ceremony

Every year, the Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) appoints famous Korean idol groups as overseas promotional ambassadors to promote Korean culture worldwide. This year, K-pop boy group THE BOYZ was appointed as the new ambassador succeding CRAVITY, and I was honored to be invited to participate in the appointment ceremony as an honorary reporter. I previously watched THE BOYZ perform at the Seoul Festa Opening Ceremony K-pop Super Live back in April, and I have always enjoyed listening to their songs. Therefore, I was thrilled and honored to meet them again at the ceremony.

海外文化弘報院每年也會委任韓國偶像組合成為韓國文化海外宣傳大使,向世界各地宣揚韓國文化的魅力。 人氣男團THE BOYZ獲委任為本年度的韓國文化海外宣傳大使,而我有幸獲邀參加委任式。 我在4月的時候在Seoul Festa 開幕式K-pop Super Live觀賞過THE BOYZ精彩的演出,平時也十分喜歡聽他們的歌,這次能夠以韓宣網名譽記者的身份近距離與他們見面,實在感到很興奮和榮幸。

The appointment ceremony was held at the Korea Press Center on 5 July. Before the ceremony, I chatted with fellow honorary reporters and K-influencers from different places. I found that they love K-pop as much as I do, and many of them were The B (the fandom name of THE BOYZ), and they shared with me how excited they were to witness their idol being appointed to such a remarkable position. I was amazed by how popular THE BOYZ is in overseas countries.

委任式在7月5日於韓國新聞中心舉行。 儀式開始前,我與來自不同地方的名譽記者和K-博主們聊天,發現他們跟我一樣熱愛K-pop,當中更有不少人是The B(THE BOYZ的粉絲名稱),並跟我表示十分期待能夠親眼目睹偶像成為宣傳大使的一刻,可見THE BOYZ在海外的人氣實在是不容少窺。

The ceremony started at 10:30 a.m. sharp. After the MCs briefly introduced THE BOYZ, all the 11 members appeared in black suits, and I got star-shocked by how handsome they were! A short video introducing the Talk Talk Korea 2023 competition and THE BOYZ was then played, encouraging everyone to actively participate in the Talk Talk Korea event in the following two months.

儀式於10時30分準時開始,司儀簡單介紹THE BOYZ後, 11名成員穿著筆挺的黑色西裝登場,成員們也十分帥氣。 大會隨後播放了一段介紹Talk Talk Korea 2023比賽以及THE BOYZ的短片,鼓勵大家積極參加Talk Talk Korea未來兩個月的活動。

After that, KOCIS Director Kim Jang-ho presented THE BOYZ with a certificate of appointment, which was accepted by the leader Sangyeon on behalf of the team. Director Kim expressed his gratitude to THE BOYZ for taking the time out of their busy schedule to serve as an overseas ambassador for Korean culture, and hoped that the group could inherit the spirit of previous ambassadors such as Stray Kids, BTS, and EXO to do their best in promoting Korean culture to countries around the world in the coming year. He also looked forward to THE BOYZ's active participation in different activities to promote Korean culture, and wished the group a successful future ahead.

之後,海外文化弘報院院長金章鎬向THE BOYZ頒發委任狀,由隊長上淵代表接受。 金院長表示十分感謝THE BOYZ在百忙之中抽空出任韓國文化海外宣傳大使,並期望團體能夠繼承Stray Kids, BTS, EXO等歷任宣傳大使的精神,在未來一年盡力向世界各國宣傳韓國文化。 最後他亦期待THE BOYZ在日後積極參與各項宣傳韓國文化的活動,並祝願團體的發展成功。

Sangyeon also gave a short thank you note on behalf of the group. He said it was an honor for THE BOYZ to be appointed as the promotional ambassador. Noticing how different K-culture products such as K-pop, K-drama, K-food, K-beauty have been gaining immense popularity around the world, he promised that THE BOYZ will try their best to fulfill their role as the ambassador to promote Korean culture overseas, and hopes that everyone will support the group's future activities. Finally, Director Kim and THE BOYZ took a group photo with Kocnuni, the mascot of the KOCIS, to conclude the simple but grand appointment ceremony.

接著,上淵亦代表團體致謝辭。 他表示對於THE BOYZ獲選成為宣傳大使感到十分榮幸,並指出韓國音樂、電視劇、飲食、美妝等文化正在世界各地掀起熱潮。 因此,他承諾THE BOYZ將會履行宣傳大使的職責,努力向海外推廣韓國文化,並且希望大家能夠支持團隊未來的活動。 最後,金院長與THE BOYZ一起與海外文化弘報院的吉祥物Kocnuni拍攝大合照,為簡單而隆重的委任式畫上句號。

Photo by Bonnie Lo

After the event, I took group photos with other honorary reporters and K-influencers on the stage. Before we left, each of us received THE BOYZ’s latest album "Be Awake" with the signatures of all the members, and I even got my bias Juyeon’s photocard! In addition, KOCIS also gave us a set of Kocnuni souvenirs, including thermal bags, key chains, cups, and T-shirts, all the gifts look so cute.

活動結束後,我與一眾名譽記者和K-博主們到臺上拍照留念。 我們每人更獲得一隻有THE BOYZ成員親筆簽名的最新專輯 “Be Awake”。 我更幸運地抽到我“本命”(最喜歡的成員)柱延的小卡呢! 此外,海外文化弘報院亦送了一套Kocnuni的紀念品給我們,裡面包括保溫袋、鑰匙扣、杯子、和T-恤,全部也十分可愛。

Photo by Bonnie Lo

Photo by Bonnie Lo

Although the ceremony lasted only eight minutes, it was a wonderful and memorable experience to meet THE BOYZ again at such a close distance and witness them being appointed as the new promotional ambassadors for Korean culture. I also had a great time meeting honorary reporters and K-influencers from all over the world and sharing our passion for Korean Wave and K-pop with each other.

雖然委任式歷時只有短短八分鐘,但是可以再次一睹THE BOYZ的風采,近距離親眼見證他們獲委任成為新一任韓國文化海外宣傳大使,實在是一個既奇妙又難忘的體驗。此外,我也十分開心能夠認識來自世界各地的名譽記者和K-博主,並與他們互相交流和分享對韓流和K-pop的熱情。

Author: Bonnie Lo

Translation: Bonnie Lo (CHN)


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